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New version of Mobile App now available

QualiCost mobile applications has been updated with a new interface and more intuitive design. The new application features a new security layer which further secure user data and privacy.
The app can be downloaded from for iOS as of today and later this week on Google Play.

New Process View in Document Center in QMS

On Wednesday, February 19th, we launched a new process view in QMS Document Center. The design has been developed to enhance the user experience by making it more intuitive and user friendly for everyone, while at the same time maintaining the complexity "under the hood".

Tommys Hage og Anlegg AS ny kunde hos QualiCost

Tommys Hage og Anlegg AS, one of the biggest landscapers on the west coast of Norway, is a new customer with QualiCost AS. Tommys Hage og Anlegg AS will in near future implement QMS in the organization - with a special focus on our mobile application. Tommys Hage og Anlegg AS have a strong focus on quality assurance, and we are proud to be selected as the preferred supplier of our systems!

New dashboard in QMS

QMS is changing, and multiple new functions and modules will be launched towards 2019. One of our big projects is our new dashboard - a long awaited tool with focus on statistics and overview. Here you will be given the opportunity to build your own statistics and widgets - and furthermore provide information relevant for your organization.

Sharecat Solutions AS new customer with QualiCost

Sharecat Solutions AS, software supplier to the oil- and gas industry, are new customers with QualiCost AS. Sharecat Solutions deliver unique cloud-based products for managing technical information. QualiCost will, amongst other tasks, support the company in securing effective structure, use and maintenance of the management system for the International Standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2017.

UAE StaffingGroup LLC is now certified

UAE StaffingGroup LLC is now certified according to ISO 9001:2015. The certification audit was performed by the international certification body KIWA, and includes five different companies under the same certificate (group). The audit resulted in 0 nonconformances and 0 observations. We congratulate UAE StaffingGroup LLC, and give ourselves a pat on the back for job well done!

New Document Center in QMS

QualiCost continue the development of QMS, and latest feature is the total restructure of the module Document Center late august/early september.
To follow the technological development within the segment of quality management systems, we have restructured the architectural pattern for the module, implementing MVC (Model-view-controller). This we have done to separate internal representations of information from the ways information is presented to and accepted from the user. This allows for efficient code reuse and parallel development. The benefits for you as a user will be reduced end user response time - the system will appear as much faster. The benefits for us as developers will be parallel development - allowing more programmers to work on the same model at the same time, reducing the efforts needed for production.

We are not just restructuring behind the scenes; in addition we are introducing many new features in the Document Center. All new features will be published in QMS help section as the module is deployed.
For existing customers we will allow for a sliding transition between the "old" and "new" Document Center - allowing for better transfer of knowledge and training.

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us - - +47 488 46 488

ST1 Norge AS new customer with QualiCost

ST1, a nordic energy group operating within several business areas in Norway, Sweden and FInland is a new customer with QualiCost. ST1 Norge AS is amongst many other areas of expertise, also managing all Shell gas stations in Norway, around 400 in number. QualiCost will build management systems towards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 for ST1 Norge, in addition to serve them with our quality management system, QMS. We thank you for the trust in us, and looking forward to a bright future!

WK Maskinservice AS new customer with QualiCost

WK Maskinservice AS, a company in the far north of Norway conducting repairs and sales of construction vehicles, is a new customer with QualiCost. The company had special needs when it comes to documentation due to work as certification body, and hence QMS was selected as preferred quality management system. Engineers in QualiCost will also build the management system to comply with regulations from Norsk Sertifisering.

Kystdesign AS new customer with QualiCost

Kystdesign AS, the reknown company delivering products for the subsea oil-and gas industry, is now a customer with QualiCost AS. Our job will be to build management system according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 for Kystdesign AS. The management system will be built in our software, QMS.

Borregaard new customer with QualiCost AS

Borregaard, the international giant with factories and sales offices in 17 countries in Europe, America, Asia and Africa, is now a customer with QualiCost AS.
Borregaard is reknown for their products within animal feed, agriculture, batteries, carbon black, ceramics, construction, textiles, industrial cleaners, adhesives, pharma, bioplastics and bioethanol, to mention some. Every house in Norway has something from Borregaard - and everyone knows the brand.
Borregaard will start to use QMS urgently, focusing on the major areas of checklists and non-conformance. The agreement with Borregaard also includes further development specifically targeting the company.
QualiCost as a company is proud to present Borregaard as our new customer!

UAE StaffingGroup LLC new customer with QualiCost

UAE StaffingGroup LLC operates within employment in Abu Dhabi, UAE. QualiCost have delivered the management system QMS, in addition to building the management system according to the ISO 9001, version 2015. The certification of the system is scheduled to early 2018 - we are looking forward to this!

New customer - Steni AS

Steni AS is a supplier of facade solutions, and is reknown throughout the world. THe company has 130 employees, and main office and production/storage in Lardal, Vestfold - Norway. Steni AS has signed a contract with QualiCost for delivery of our management system QMS. We wish Steni welcome to the family!

Eide Marine Contractors AS is now certified

We congratulate Eide Marine Contractors AS with successfully obtaining their certificate for ISO 9001:2015. QualiCost AS have assisted Eide Marine Contractors AS by upgrading the management system from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015, through our representative Knut Helge Stenisvåg. We thank you for the assignment, and wish good luck with the continous ISO-work!