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QMS Mobile application

Seamless integration between web and any device


The cell phone is as normal in most human beings life as clothes and food. QualiCost is working to make all modules in QMS available through mobile applications - to lower the treshold and simplify the use of the software.

Our mobile application is linked to most modules in the web application - and is available both for iOS and Android. The application is always online, seamlessly integrated with QMS, so you will always have updated data in the mobile application.

When registering from the mobile application, you can use the phones camera or gallery and add pictures to reports, tasks, cheklists etc. Also, you can sign your registrations with your signature using your finger directly in the application.
To read more about the different functions, see the information provided below.


Core functions

Always updated

As one of the few mobile applications for an OMS, our mobile application provides two-way communcation. This means that all changes made to functions in QMS is immediately available in the mobile application


Most of the modules in QMS receives information from the mobile application - and opposite. This makes the mobile application into a simplified center for most users

Pictures and documentation

All functions in the mobile application supports the use of camera. You can take picture directly with the cells camera, or fetch pictures from your gallery while registering

Tasks / Measures

Tasks and measures can be processed directly in the mobile application. Attachments like pictures can be added in tasks for additional documentation


Reports can be registered and solved from mobile application. All information is always updated from QMS. Pictures can be taken as a part of the documentation from the registration


Registrering of checklists from the mobile application contains an advance set of rules for approval, in addition to the possibility of adding pictures with captions as documentation to the given checklist point


Timesheet functions can be used from the mobile application - including check in/check out, normal registering in addition to overview and possibility if editing registrations. Information and registrations are always updated due to the seamless integration with QMS


The mobile application has signature function that can be activated for all parts of the application. The user will sign for his/her registrations using the finger on the surface of the device. Perfect for signing of checklist registrations!

My Documents

Documents linked to the users position in the organization will automatically be available for download in the mobile application. User can also create his/her own favourite document searches in QMS - which also will be synchronized with the mobile application

Push notifications

Receive push notifications from QMS for received tasks, checklists, report and much, much more....

QR Codes

The application is equipped with function for QR code, that can read all registered information from QMS for simpler and faster registering. Examples are machines, projects, items and departments


Reports can be generated from the mobile application for checklists, tasks, timesheet registrations and reports - and be sent directly to desired email receiver(s)


The mobile application gives your organization great possibilities of decentralized use of the software and management system. Users can register reports, timesheet registration and checklists no matter where they are - as long as they are connected through Wifi or Edge/3G/4G/5G.

Because of the dynamics throughout QMS, many of the daily chores of the user can be handled from mobile application - since all modules are integrated with the apllication.

This means, that tasks like measures linked to a report can be solved and documented faster, and as a part of documentation pictures will be added.
Manual tasks can be registered directly from the mobile application, and receivers of the task will also be able to process the task through the application.

Can it be done any easier?

Other products

Reporting Center

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Document Center

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Our timesheet module is 100 % dynamic. Includes balance bank and holiday bank – and the module is also available in mobile application

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My Page

By gathering all tasks and to do lists in a dedicated homepage, the overview becomes easier for all users. Easy access also through mobile application

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Full flex HRM, containing all your organization needs for employees, appraisals, timesheets and payroll. Integrated with all modules in QMS

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Create courses and exams for new employees and other external users. Lower the organization's treshold for increasing competence

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Run surveys to find your customers satifactory level, and evaluate your suppliers. Create internal surveys for evaluating the working environment

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