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QMS Document Center

Powerful tool for handling processes and documents


QMS Dokumentsenter keeps track and control for all types of documents, like routines, procedures, minutes of meetings, forms and registrations. The folder structure can be built as pleased, and access can be granted users based upon positions in the company, roles or manually. All types of documents can be versioned, audited and approved. The Document Center in QMS can also be delivered with state of the art functionality from Microsoft, to ease the handling of creating, editing and versioning documents.

QMS Document Center holds strong functions for processes and graphical display of processes. Documents, checklists and reports can easily be linked to processes and sub processes - and again easily be found in the graphical interface.

Core functions

Folder structure

Create a folder structure fitting for the organization

Access management

Access to folders and documents can be controlled - for example by parameters like which type of position the employee has

Working with documents

Documents are created and edited easily in your own computer, and is synchronized automatically back to QMS Document Center


Dedicated function for legislation


Like the rest of QMS, the Document Center is solely based on known technology from Microsoft

Batch uploads

Upload as many documents as you please at the same time through a batch upload


Advanced flow for approval of documents - including risk assessment

Version handling

Version handling delivered by Microsoft

Mobile application

Documents linked to your position in the organization are automatically available in the mobile application - you can in addition to this create your own favourite searches


Favourites are automatically created based on your position in the organization - and you can also create your own favourites


The organization can easily measure live compliance between QMS and any national and international standard


A large set of metadata can be added for each document, for later use in statistics and history


QMS Document Center can be used for storing of any type of document. This gives an enormous flexibility. Also taken into consideration is the metadata for each document, allowing you to add a strain of information - the document center delivers the opportunity to have a sentralized and structured storage of most of the documents within the organization. Examples of usage are:

Project documentation
HSE and Quality work
Sales/market/contract documentation
Minutes of meetings
Quality Management


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Mobile application

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